Make the Switch from Formalin Jars

TruCore provides each prostate clinic we serve with a truly end-to-end digital pathology service solution. Included in this is the Lumea BxBoard®. This new tissue collection system replaces the need for traditional formalin jars and reduces the number of collection containers needed during each biopsy procedure.

The Lumea BxBoard®

Use 2-3 Boards vs 12+ Jars

Each BxBoard® holds up to 6 tissue cores and reduces the number of containers from 12+ formalin jars to just 2 or 3 boards. These boards can either be prelabeled or customizable depending on the preference of the physician.

Maintain Tissue Orientation

Rather than floating in formalin, the tissue cores lay flat along a formalin-soaked sponge. Maintaining this orientation allows for more accurate mapping of tumor location to later assist with focal therapies.


Reduction in Containters


Less Formalin


Increase in Avaliable Tissue

Tumor Localization


Maintaining tissue orientation via the BxBoard® allows for timesaving solutions and automations when your tissue reaches the lab. Using AI, digital slides, and the pathologist’s annotations, automated tissue maps are generated for the pathology report at sign-out.

RFID Tracking


Each BxBoard® has an RFID tag that gets scanned at the clinic and associated with the patient to protect against mislabeling errors. This tracking continues through the laboratory processes and allows clinicians to follow the progress of their patients’ tissue up until they receive the final pathology report.

Holds up to 6 Cores

Maintains Orientation

Quality Tissue Preservation

Ease of Use in Biopsy

"Having 2 collection boards vs 12, 14, and even 16 jars...I wonder why people are still using jars when [Lumea] has created such a great invention. The BxBoards® are the best!"

Mia Her, Training and Development Coordinator at Comprehensive Urology

Want to switch to the BxBoard®?

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